
Details on Autolab, which will be used for all homework submissions in CSE 331.

Thanks to Jaric Zola for allowing us to adapt his Autolab user documentation.

Under Construction

We are still doing some final tweaks to Autolab. We expect to have a functional version up by Wednesday, August 31, 2016. In the meantime, thanks for your patience!

The main link

We will be using the UB CSE extension to Autolab for submission and (auto)grading of CSE 331 homeworks. You can access Autolab via .

Signing up

Follow these steps to setup an account on Autolab:

  1. Go to this page and click on the Sign up link . You will need to create a new account: we recommend that you not use your UBIT password if possible.
  2. While you might be the proud owner of multiple emails

    Make sure you sign up using your UB email. Otherwise you will not be able to access any of the homeworks.

  3. You should also use your official UB first and last names. If you have a different preferred name, please let us know ASAP.
  4. We will have leader boards for all the programming assignments. For anonymity, all students are identified by their chosen nicknames. So please make sure you pick an appropriate one (you can change your nickname at any point of time).
  5. After you have done the above steps, you wait.

What happens next

Here are the steps that we need to take at our end:

  1. We will upload a list of UB emails of students registered in the course (students cannot register themselves in a course). If you already have created an Autolab account, then you'll be added to the course as a student. Otherwise Autolab will create an account for you and will send you a link to reset your password.
  2. If you do not get an get an email from Autolab about an account being created, then just use this Forgot your password page and enter your UB email. As of Tuesday, August 30, if you are registered in the course then we have added your UB email to Autolab.
  3. If you turned in your syllabus form, you will be added to the Y section. Otherwise you will be added to the N section.
  4. Whenever you submit your form, you should be moved to the Y section: if this does not happen within two days of you submitting the form, you should send us a reminder.
  5. I will only release the grades for section Y.

In the steady state

Here are the various things to keep in mind once you are successfully added to the course on Autolab:

  1. Once you log in to the system (after creating your account), you will see all the courses for which you have been registered. CSE 331 should appear with the description CSE 331: Introduction to Algorithm Design (f16).
  2. Once you go to the course web page for CSE 331, you will see a list of pending homeworks. To begin with you should one box for Homework 0 and one link each for Question 1 and another for Question 2. (You will need to click on each Question and submit your solution on the corresponding page.) As you move along in the semester, you will also see completed assignments/homeworks.
  3. In the steady state. for each homework, there will be three question for each homework.
  4. The interface is reasonably intuitive but make sure you explore and make yourself comfortable with the interface- you will be spending quality time with it this semester!
  5. For the autograded question, to see the feedback you will need to click on any of your scores.