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  • Provide funding to help graduate students offset costs of attending conferences
  • Form committees, which give us a strong voice in the various aspects of the department and campus-wide GSA
  • Host annual Fall and Spring picnics and social events


Constitution of the CSEGSA

I. Name, Purposes and Powers


Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association; hereafter referred to as the CSEGSA.


  • To act as the agency of the graduate student body of Computer Science & Engineering in matters affecting graduate student life and departmental affairs.
  • To promote communication and interest in the affairs of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, the Graduate Student Association, and the University Community.


  • The CSEGSA shall initiate, enact, and administer on matters, with the authority of the graduate students of Computer Science & Engineering, which concern the graduate students of Computer Science & Engineering as a whole and the students' relationship to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering.
  • Committees of the CSEGSA shall act, with the authority of the graduate students, in their designated areas of responsibility.
  • The CSEGSA may make recommendations to the proper Departmental and University authorities on all matters of graduate student welfare under this constitution.

II. Membership

All presently enrolled graduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, or students presenting a statement from the Chairman of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering certifying them to be graduate students of Computer Science & Engineering, shall be active members of the CSEGSA.

III. Organization

Executive Committee

The officers of the CSEGSA shall be known as the Executive Committee. The officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

  • Duties
    • President
      1. Shall be the chief executive of the CSEGSA
      2. Shall be the chairman at the meetings of the CSEGSA
      3. Shall be the primary CSEGSA representative to all activities, internal and external, to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, and shall appoint all additional representatives except as indicated by this constitution.
      4. Shall be an ex-officio member of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering Executive Committee and the graduate student representative at Faculty Meetings.
      5. Shall be, or shall appoint a representative to be an ex-officio member of each Ad-Hoc Committee.
    • Vice-President
      1. Shall assist the President in his/her administrative duties.
      2. Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.
      3. Shall announce all regular CSEGSA meetings to its members.
    • Treasurer
      1. Shall assist the President and Vice-President in their administrative duties.
      2. Shall act as the chief fiducuary agent for the CSEGSA.
      3. Shall report the current financial status of the CSEGSA to its members at its regular meetings.
      4. Shall be responsible for purchasing any item to be used directly by the CSEGSA.
    • Secretary
      1. Shall assist the President and Vice-President in their administrative duties.
      2. Shall supervise the annual election of the representatives to the departmental committees and the Graduate Student Association Senate.
      3. Shall be responsible for the minutes, correspondence, and all records of the CSEGSA.
      4. Shall coordinate all committees of the CSEGSA, and regulate their communication to its members
  • All members of the CSEGSA are eligible to hold office.
  • Elections for members of the Executive Committee shall take place in the Spring semester for a term beginning on July 1 of that year until June 30 of the following year.
  • All members of the CSEGSA are eligible to vote in these elections
  • The officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the CSEGSA.


  • The CSEGSA recognizes and is represented at the Graduate Student Association and the following departmental committees by elected representatives:
    • Graduate Studies
    • Graduate Affairs
    • Facilities
    • Recruiting
    • Colloquium
    • Library.
  • All members of the CSEGSA are eligible to hold representative positions.
  • Representatives to Departmental Committees(other than the CSEGSA Executive Committee) shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the CSEGSA held at the beginning of the Fall semester.
  • Representatives(Senators and Alternates) to the Graduate Student Association shall be filled at the beginning of the Fall semester in accordance with the Graduate Student Association Constitution and the By-Laws.

Ad-Hoc Committees

  • Ad-Hoc Committees shall be created by order of the CSEGSA President or a simple majority vote of the CSEGSA.
  • All members of the CSEGSA are eligible to hold positions on Ad-Hoc Committees.
  • Representatives shall be elected to Ad-Hoc Committees by a simple majority vote of the CSEGSA.

IV. Meetings

Rules of Order

In its deliberations, the CSEGSA shall be guided by:

  • The constitution and by-laws of the Graduate Student Association,
  • Robert's Rules of Order(revised), and
  • The judgement of the chairman of the meeting.


A quorum for the purpose of convening a regular meeting shall be ten (10) active members of the CSEGSA.

V. Amendments

This constitution may be amended by the CSEGSA.


  • Any active member of the CSEGSA may propose an amendment.
  • It must be read at a regular meeting of the CSEGSA prior to being voted upon.
  • It must be approved by one-fourth (1/4) of the active membership of the CSEGSA in an official election.

VI. Acceptance

This constitution shall be the procedure of organization for the Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association, and shall supersede all previous constitutions. It shall go into effect at the end of five calendar days after the approval of this document.



September 17th, 2010
Minutes for the September 17th, 2010 CSEGSA Meeting

September 10th, 2010
Minutes for the September 10th, 2010 CSEGSA Meeting


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