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  • Provide funding to help graduate students offset costs of attending conferences
  • Form committees, which give us a strong voice in the various aspects of the department and campus-wide GSA
  • Host annual Fall and Spring picnics and social events


Tuesday, November 18th 2008; 7:00PM

The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGSA) will hold its next meeting on Thursday, November 20th at 5:00pm in 242 Bell Hall.

The agenda will include

  • The bucks4books proposal and setting up an account with them to sell used textbooks
  • Formation of the Graduate Conference committee
  • Student events for the Spring 2009 semester

Pizza and pop will be served.

Aditya Wagh
CSEGSA President

Tuesday, October 21st 2008; 5:00PM

The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGSA) will hold its next meeting on Thursday, October 23rd at 5:15pm in 242 Bell Hall.

This month we will be discussing

  • Report on GSA senate meeting
  • CSEGSA spring conference - financial status
  • Committee seats still to be filled
  • Conference funding requests

and any other proposals you would like to submit for discussion. Pizza and pop will be provided.

Don't forget to check out the CSEGSA website, which has an event calendar and an RSS feed that you may use to keep track of this and other club activities.

Michael Prentice
CSEGSA Vice President

Monday, September 15th 2008; 11:00PM

The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGSA) will hold its next meeting on Monday, September 22nd at 3:30pm in 242 Bell Hall. All CSE graduate students are welcomed to attend. The agenda includes appointing people to various committees in addition to electing the remaining senators and alternates. We will also discuss the possibility of applying for the SBI Programming Grant and form a committee to follow up on it.

Other committees to be formed include

  • Graduate Conference Committee
  • Graduate Studies Committee
  • Graduate Admissions Committee
  • CSE Facilities Committee
  • Social Events Committee
  • Surveys Committee
  • Colloquim Committee
  • Alumni and Career Placement Committee

We will describe the roles of each of these communities as they are formed and you are welcome to suggest changes to the functions that they fulfill. We may also create additional committees based on your suggestions and approval.

I look forward to meeting you on September 22nd and would love to discuss any relevant issues in addition to those that have been covered here.

Aditya Wagh
CSEGSA President

Thursday, August 28th 2008; 11:00PM

The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGSA) will hold its first meeting of the semester on Tuesday, September 2nd at 5:00pm in 242 Bell Hall. All CSE graduate students are welcomed to attend. I encourage all incoming students to come and find out what our club is all about. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know one another and elect this year's officers. FREE pizza and pop will be provided! The meeting agenda will include the following:

  • Election of officers and senators
  • Ideas for student-faculty interaction (social and professional)
  • Announcements of upcoming CSEGSA and GSA events/opportunities

For those of you not familiar with our organization, I invite you to check out the CSEGSA web site. Feel free to subscribe to our RSS feed and event calendar to stay up-to-date on current events.

Again, I encourage everyone to attend. Our organization provides a great way to get involved in the department, meet new people, and gain useful experience desirable to future employers.

Hope to see you all there,

Jeffrey K. Czyz
Outgoing CSEGSA President



September 17th, 2010
Minutes for the September 17th, 2010 CSEGSA Meeting

September 10th, 2010
Minutes for the September 10th, 2010 CSEGSA Meeting


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